Saturday 20 November 2010

My Reflection on 19th November 2010

Some of us perform in front of the class but i still need to improve because i just can't get the right note, it's hard when i haven't practice hard. And i also need to make he sound more stable and it's sort of embarrassing when i got the wrong note. The goal next week is to be better at flute and to have a good score on performing my own pentatonic using our music instruments.

My Reflection on 12th November 2010

we practice for the written test and i think i will do good in the written test but i think i need to practice harder at home. My next goal is to do good in the written test.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

My Reflection on 2nd November 2010

Today we did some pentatonic activities and we need to make a pentatonic song, either from China, Japan or Java. I picked Japan then I need to make the song in 16 bar lines and I don't have many wrongs so i actually quiet get the lesson. The bad news for today is that i need to use the song that i make and play it with my instrument that is flute. I do not know how to play it at first but today i learn how and i think i am getting the hang of it. I need to learn the song with my flute at home and i need to practice it until i can. I wish that i can mastered the song pretty easily with my flute, of course. My next goal is to get a good score or a high score on the assessment on playing the song using my flute. This is going to be so hard and i really need time to actually practice hard. Practice, practice, practice :p

Monday 1 November 2010

My Reflection on 27th October 2010

Today i did a written test based Asian traditional histories and i need to improve more on that because i think i got a little bit confused sometimes during the written test. I think i did pretty good somehow but just need improvement or to understand more about the topic. I did answer all the questions and i also answered them in full sentence, so i guess i won't get low marks. Next time i will try to understand more about the what the topic and listen to the teacher and pay attention more on what i am learning or studying at right now.

Friday 22 October 2010

My Reflection on 22th October 2010

Today we just listen to the teacher and be quiet. We need to learn about pentatonic and diatonic on music class. We didn't really do much and how i do, i just sat on the chair and listen to what the teacher say, i don't do much on music class today. And my next goal is to get a good score on my written test.

Thursday 21 October 2010

My Reflection on 20th October 2010

Today I did the powerpoint presentation regarding on the topic of my group that is Japanese. Well actually we re-do because the last presentation is not really that good and we hadn't really been prepared so we got a low score but it is nice having a much better score but at least i know contributed and cooperate with my group-mates plus i forgot that i was the leader too bad my group-mates forgot that i am the leader so they don't mind taking one of my other friend to take in charge. Well i think i did a good job with my friends helping me out presenting the powerpoint presentation. And i need to improve to cooperate much further with others.

My Reflection on 24th September 2010

Today we practice the triad, major scale, first and second interaction so we will know what to do on the written test when ever it is. I need to practice harder and i need and want to improve harder on notifying the notes. Where is do, where is re, where is mi and etc. :D

My Reflection on 1th September 2010

Today we did solo practice and some of us are chosen but good thing i didn't get to perform in the front because if i did i can't do anything but to humiliate myself in front of the class. My next plan is to practice the Indonesian Ethnic song with the flute and i bet this is going to be hard!

My Reflection on 20th August 2010

Today we perform/practice to presentate in Asian instrument and I got the Kalimantan group which is okay. Today we didn't do much so I don't know how did i do today. Next plan/goal is to do a great presentation about Kalimantan instrument.

My Reflection on 18th August 2010

Today we discussed about making a blog. First of all, I already have like 30 blogs which I forgot the password, second, I don't like doing reflections especially blogging, third, there's no internet at home it is in 'under-maintain' and today we were talking/discussing about the information about Kalimantan's instruments. We were divided into 5 groups and next time i ould pay attention more to the teachers because i am not really paying that much attention to the teacher after all.

My Reflection on 8th August 2010

Today, for music i need to re-do because my score is not that good and i want to make it better or improve. I was very nervous before singing in front of the whole class. I felt very relieved after singing but anyways today was fun and not so bad after all.

Friday 3 September 2010

3rd September 2010

Today we practice to play our instrument solo, good thing none of the flute (that is my instrument class) people perform because we all can't even sound "do re mi fa sol la ti do" How in the world can we play an Indonesian Ethnic song in a week? Anyways, we learn the beginning of the song and I think I am going to failed because I because I keep on practicing to make any sound and it needs 2 weeks so how can I practice a song in just a week. My goal next week is to pass the assessment and improve on the flute- Only sometimes it makes sound, sometimes it can't. By the way, 2day in music was gr8! :)

Friday 27 August 2010

My Reflection on 27th August 2010

Today in Music, we learn a melody of a song written or made by Maluku people. The song was called "Ayo Mama". I kind of like the lyrics and it was also a simple song. I think I remember the melody and also some of the lyrics. My goal next is that to remember the melody and also play it with my instrument that is flute. It was pretty hard but at least I practice even I make very many mistakes. :)

My Reflection on 25th August 2010

This day, me and my group that are Eva, Gendis, Astrella and Alysha performed or presentated the slide show or powerpoint presentation regarding on Kalimantan, they're music instruments, they're culture, they're famous songs,etc. I think we did a pretty good job and we did are also clear and loud during the presentation. I think if we had a chance to do another presentation regarding another country, maybe i could improve by telling more about the country I am presenting about. I had a lot of fun doing the powerpoint with my friends and I also contributed a lot of work too.